
Hello all CDD LDD friends. I hope you find my thoughts interesting at the least and may be helpful. I look forward to your comments. Its great to be part of the wider CDD LDD community.

Monday 17 October 2011


We had a big chat today. We were finding things alot so we desided cut things down.  My fibro has been bad and we had bad flu. So we wanted to sort it before it all fell apart. My wonderful husband is still very much my HOM and i am of course to submit and obay but now for a while my HOM is NOT going to use disipline. That sounds  very odd in a CDD marridge but as my Fibro is bad and we want to relax and have fun in our relationship not to have worry over every little thing i did wrong and my HOM worrying all the time should i of disciplined that did i discipline enough??. Our lifestyle  was takeing over our life we wer tence all the time. NOT GOOD. So now we work like this for now on a sistem of me not dissapointing my HOM and merrit. I am harking back to when i was a child when i did something wrong i was more upset when my mum talked to me EG; Lucy i am very  disapointed in you. So my HOM is now wanting us for now to have me try not to disapoint or up set him submit and obay if i do well then he wants niceness in our new way of doing things so i may get rewarded.  We missed eachother so much and we have to consider my illness.  So we have a new lifestyle. Christian domestic being nice. CDBN.

Monday 10 October 2011

when you slip

Hi i want to talk about the past few days. I want to show you how a blog can give the wrong inpression. I could say "My HOM took his eyes off the ball; i lapsed with my obaying and submission my HOM did not really use any discipline. We both got to a state of can not be bothered."  That is basicly how the past few days have been. NOT REALLY GOOD. Our week has been lapsed from both sides my HOM and i had colds more like flu i have found it hard continuing with my duties and my HOM has not the energey to disciplins so we have put this week down to a ill week and move on. First  of all God does not want us to suffer but least at all worry and stress about the right and wrongs of it all. Should we of been keeping lists of when i dissobayed and when my HOM should of spanked ???? NO!!! First of all we are a loving caring couple who happen to choose CDD but we have to care for eachother first. Any thing after that no matter how inportant comes after that. Yes our CDD lifestyle is inportant of course so normal CDD life has resumed. Thank you we are much better.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Obaying my HOM for the family

I have lernt the hard way that my HOM is a clever man (I have always known that) but i have found out that the hard way. My HOM is a firm belever of GIVE THEM ENOUGH ROPE THEY WILL HANG THEMSELVES. I did not reailise i had spent the week shouting at our oldist daughter whos 18. I did not notice it in myself. My HOM was keeping an eye on my shouting. He was waiting for me to ether say sorry to my daughter realising myself or at least mention to him maybe i was going over the top and recognise i was tired and stressed. My HOM waited and waited but i said nothing. We got to today discipline night. Hes gave me the order to bend over and the spanking commensed (ouch.)  After my well deserved spanking my HOM gave me the order to tell him why i thought i resived the spanking? I did not mention the shouting at all. I was shocked to find that was the one thing he was least pleased with. My HOM went on to explain it wasent just the shouting but also the fact i havent noticed my poor behaviour. But i then did not say sorry off my own bat but i got my self into such a state to get so tired i was unfairly shouting i have always been told by my HOM to look after myself as that is in away looking after the family as i get tired i tend to unfairly snap and my bad behaviour comes out so that was why i got spanked. I very sadly got myself to the spanking today. So yes GIVE A PERSON ENOUGH ROPE THEY WILL HANG THEMSELVES.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Be wise

I heard a saying that i think is good for us submissive wives. God gave us two of these (ears) and one of those (mouths) so use them wisely. Cool!!!!!!  :)

Saturday 1 October 2011

lerning to forsake our will

I have lernt a hard lesson today. Sometimes asepting my H O M dicission is great when you fit in with his wants any way. But when he wants you to do one thing and you want to do another i did obay but i did feel sad. I try very hard to obay with a joyous heart. sometimes i do fail at that i can be quiet good at surgesting things to make him rethink his decissions. Now my H O M (Head of Me) has lernt how to control this disrespectfull behaviour from before he use to change tac quite offten. Eg if he wanted to go home after a day out but i wanted to stay out i would sergest things we could do on the way home just to stay out a little longer. The other day we had a chat about it and yes my H O M had noticed i did that but wanted to see if i bought it up first or apoligest for it after discipline.  I did mention it and the disobedience was sorted. so YES my H O M does really know me best. Like today i really wanted to go out. My H O M said no he wanted me to stay in and rest while our youngist daughter had her nap I obayed without much outward fuss but inside i felt cross and dissapointed i really wanted to go out. My H O M took our older daughter out so i could have some me time. While they were out i did relax. I found i was more tiered then i thought and really needed to rest so i have lernt its not enough just to obay but a submissive wife must obay with a joyous happy complyent heart. Sometimes your HOH really does know his submissive wife better then she does. so obedience is not enough there has to be happy complyants too. After all us submissive wives gave ourselves to our husbands.