
Hello all CDD LDD friends. I hope you find my thoughts interesting at the least and may be helpful. I look forward to your comments. Its great to be part of the wider CDD LDD community.

Saturday 24 September 2011

How people Differ

I am interested in How people differ in the CDD lifestyle No couple is wrong. Spanking does seem to be the main discipline and thats right if its right for you or if corner time is right for you i find alot of sites give good advice but lots seem to tell people discipline has to be done like this. Each couple is different and are in grown up marriages so have and work out whats best for them. I feel maybe sites could use the words (eg) May i suggest  or You may like to try. I have lots of my own personal thoughts and will chat about them on here I want to point out they are my own personal thoughts and not ment in anyway to offend or to give advice but if my thoughts help in any small way then i am happy thanks.


  1. Spanking is the main discipline we use. Normally, I have her join me in the bedroom. I tell her what she did wrong and what her punishment is. Generally, I have her strip naked and stand in the corner for at least 1/2 hour. Then I call her to lie over my knee. Usually i just use my hand, but sometimes add a few swats with a hairbrush. Then I hold her for a while.

  2. Thanks Epaster for watching my blog if hope you find them intresting if you know of anyone else who may like watching my blogs please show them my blog thanks i would like very much to email you for CDD chats

  3. Hi Lucy,

    I modified my blogger profile so you can see my contact info. An email conversation may work best.
